Jesus Christ Teaches: The Path to Unity Through Love

The love for God
The path to mystical unification

45. Exercise

In the depth of your being, I, JESUS CHRIST, am the love become man and am one with you, with every single one of you. And so that this unity may also radiate to the ‘human being’, thereby including the human person, My power also streams to the lamb that, though it may walk the path into the light on My side, it does so still a bit obstinately.

My beloved and faithful fold, here in this circle and everywhere, I speak to you in earnestness, the earnestness, Justice, is at work in this event of time and space, the event that you consider a new year, a new epoch. Everywhere, justice is at work, penetrated by My love, so that many of My sheep, possibly all of them would find the way to My fold of love. And so that joy may jubilate in the heavens as well as in you, at the end of this epoch, you are all called to walk the path of love earnestly and in unity with Me.

Love, how often have you heard this word spoken...In how many possibilities is it segmented? Yet, you know that love understands, that love knows unity–and only that–and that it never judges or condemns anyone. “Do not judge and condemn, so that you may not be judged and condemned, for the measure with which you measure will be used to measure you!”, words from the scripture with which you are familiar. Still, man tends to immediately judge or condemn his fellow-man, whenever he–according to his views–meets with negativity.

What are views? They are your conceptions and opinions. They come from the past, reflecting your own weaknesses and they affect the future if you think negatively. I beg of you, who are determined to walk with Me through the epoch of justice, demand strictness of your humanness, and do it courageously, and watch out for your conceptions and opinions, so that you may dissolve them as you recognize them and so that love can work and radiate through you!

A healing instrument is, as the name says, An INSTRUMENT through whom salvation streams forth. I-AM-SALVATION is the love. An instrument through whom My power flows should live in the consciousness of the moment. He should recognize himself in that moment time and again and let go of the antiquated and dead end views from the past, in order to walk My path in unity with Me.

May your speech be clear and distinct and may it be inspired by the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and in the consciousness that I am speaking through you when you live in unity with Me.

Since man is not yet able to constantly remain in this high vibration, may you admonish each other more and more to stillness, and may you speak only that, which is absolutely necessary in order to maintain loving communication with your neighbor.

Examine your words in the light of love!

Do not let anger, ill-humor and the like take hold of you any more, for only thus can I fill you increasingly with My power of life! Thereby I am answering the question asked here in this circle, I AM the life. The life is simultaneously love, is the creator-power, which transforms and creates everything.

When this life, this love irradiates your human body, you will be walking on water, as it was recorded in the scriptures, and the floods will no longer crash down upon you. The water bows before the power of life as you bow before creation.

Recognize that love and life is one and the same, and that therefore TO BE ILL is a lack of love! There are very few exceptions. These exceptions are My instruments. But they should never be sure of that, otherwise it is already a case of lacking humility.

You have been told that instruments are the co-bearers of the world’s cross. Once more for your better understanding: If you are thinking: “I am bearing the cross for the world, and that is why I am ill,” you are no longer in humility, for you rise up proudly and place yourselves higher than your neighbor. ("After all, all others are ill because of their own sinfulness,” is what you are thinking.) Do you recognize how sharp this razor’s edge is, on which you are traversing?

Examine your thoughts time and again! You should never raise yourselves, or raise yourselves over your neighbor! Those are the traps, and they are set for all of you, as I have revealed to you. And I am letting you stumble on them so that during this schooling you will notice and you will grow in recognition over how much haughtiness meets you and also that you yourselves still bear this characteristic within you, the same one that lead to the fall.

Even if My words sound stern, you know that they are spoken out of love, a love that wants to carry you, My servants, over all your hurdles. However, this cannot be so because you would not grow and mature toward love.

By your EXERCISE IN SILENCE, by this listening to others, you will increase your understanding for your neighbor. As long as you are speaking, your neighbor cannot disclose himself to you, neither on the material level by your conversation, nor on the spiritual level by sensation. But when you remain silent, when you listen to your neighbor, letting him speak, be it a discussion or any difficulties between two people, then many a Gordian knot will be severed by the sword of love, and your neighbor walks away delivered and onward on the path to the light.

Also, by listening you will simultaneously be aware of the right moment to appropriately send forth the healing forces. Now I will repeat what had been said in this circle, for the brothers and sisters who are not present here: When you, link with Me and send out healing forces in unity with Me, therefore acting out of My will, these forces will flow to your neighbor. If he is ready to receive them, they will have effect upon his soul–for him this is mostly unconscious–and upon the body as well, as long as it is possible and spiritually law-abiding.

If your neighbor is not ready to accept these forces, and the decision lies with the soul–you know that the soul is the shaded version of the pure spiritual spark, the pure CHILD OF GOD– if therefore your neighbor is not yet ready to allow love to work in him, it will have its effect upon his surroundings. For instance, all those who are around him and have contact with him on a regular basis will be touched by My love. By way of the people around him the power can work upon the soul as well.

Love always works in a number of different ways. However, see to it that you are always the senders of love, as everything you send out will return to you with increased measure! Everything is energy. Your thoughts are purest energy, are creation-power, as you know. And this energy works in accordance with the DIVINE law, you need not spend a thought concerning their effectiveness.

Pay heed that you do not stumble over one of the manifold laid traps, for instance, by thinking: “Oh Lord, I have sent them so much love already and still he can hardly utter a positive word. How very dark a soul must his be if no love can work in him, so that not even You can change him, oh Lord! --- And yet it is I, JESUS CHRIST, WHO is reflecting this seeming darkness to you, so that you would notice your haughtiness.

Do you truly know what the state of his inner being is like? Do you know how he feels, what he is thinking about another? No, you do not know it yet! I am stressing the word ‘yet’, for the more you live in the present, in the now in unity with Me, the more easily you will recognize your neighbor. For instance, you will especially look into the eyes of your grumpy neighbor and you will see that he is grumpy because of his pain, not because he does not like you. Full of love you will envelop such a suffering one. You will suffer with him, brotherly, causing the two of you to become one heart and one soul.

Therefore, you recognize that you are truly co-fashioners, co-creators of your own immediate environment, as well as of the wider circle of this Earth. Light brings forth light, darkness increases the darkness. So be My light!

I want to briefly touch upon another aspect. You are still thinking in terms of the polarity of day and night. I have taught you that you should begin the day with Me and also to close out the evening with Me. By this connection the day is blessed and the night as well, during which the soul is working on several levels while the body is resting. The consciousness of the daily events should take hold of you even during the night.

You know that I am also guiding you by way of your dreams. Always, the SPIRIT has been teaching human beings by way of dreams, and if they recognized the teaching content in the dream, they could work with the dream event during the day. You, too, had dreams which pointed the way for you. They were similar as the dream of the seven fat and seven lean cows, which Joseph interpreted [in the old testament for the Pharaoh]. To interpret your dreams is still a bit hard for you, but know: even the night is part of your consciousness. By and by, you will walk into the night consciously, awaken from the night as consciously, and you will know what the night was teaching you.

So, may you pay attention to your dreams. For him who thinks he doesn’t dream, know that every human being dreams. Try to remember as soon as you awaken. If you cannot, resolve to take the dream that was especially important for you into your day! The symbolism will be explained to you by and by. In this symbolism you will recognize what it is you should still be working on, whatever it is that you are still lacking. You are also given consolation and strength from your dreams so that you may follow in My footsteps during the day.

The consciousness of day and night will go so far that, should you want to discard your body, you will know exactly when that will be.

And now I will come back to the question of “when”. Just as you go consciously into the night, you will come out of the night of human existence [and walk] into the light of eternity. You will lay your body to rest, and you will focus your soul-gaze upon Me, JESUS CHRIST. The heavens open and I will extend My hand to you. The choir of angels rejoices and you will rise from your bed, upon which now only the material body is resting, and you will walk with Me into your true being. You could receive a small suggestion to this every night, but this takes some practice.

And so you are blessed, My beloved, you here and all on the entire earthly globe, all My human children, no matter to what community or religion they may belong, no matter what race or nation, all are safe in Me, the LOVE, blessed and carried!

So walk into this year of Justice with joy! – This is no contradiction in the SPIRIT.


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Love-Light-Circle of Jesus Christ Way to Unity, 45. Exercise
Inspired impulse