Jesus Christ Teaches: The Path to Unity Through Love




My child, I, your HEAVENLY Father, am speaking to you in your inner being.

You have picked up this book and are reading my lines to yourself – perhaps with still a certain measure of doubt. You are blessed, My child, whether you assimilate the path that is offered you here or not; for there are many paths leading to Me.

This book can be of help to you, so that you may hear My loving word within yourself while in the stillness. My longing for you is indescribable. Do you hear My call to you?

Rise from the dust of this transient Earth. Find your way to unselfish love, and thus cast your eyes towards heaven!

Your true home is with Me. Restlessly seeking and doubting, you are walking this earthly globe until You have found rest, consolation, and safety in Me.

Come, do not hesitate, set out on the way in order to free yourself from the earth’s weight and hasten towards Me! See, full of joy I am coming toward you in order to receive you in love and to guide you homeward!

No matter where your paths may lead you, you will meet Me and My beckoning call, that says: “Come home, My child!”




© 2025 Liebe-Licht-Kreis Jesu Christi DatenschutzerklärungImpressum
Love-Light-Circle of Jesus Christ Way to Unity, Foreword
Inspired impulse